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18 Recycling


All residents are encouraged to participate in the CityView separation & recycling program managed in the parking garages at P-1 & P-2. Please do your part by becoming knowledgeable about what should (and should not) be placed in the recycle bins.

  1. The following LOOSE items may be mixed together in ANY of the tall beige recycle bins:
  • Plastic- rinsed bottles, bottle caps, cups, jugs, containers
  • Metals- rinsed aluminum cans, steel cans, metal lids
  • Paper- newspaper, magazines, books, office paper, envelopes, shredded paper in paper bags
  1. The following items should be separated in another area:
  • Styrofoam - should be placed in the Styrofoam "cage"; Styrofoam "peanuts" should be bagged first 
  • Cardboard- should be broken down flat and placed in the trailer on P-1
  1. The following items should NEVER be included in recyclables:
  • Wax-coated containers - milk cartons, ice cream cartons, etc.
  • Glass - any type, light bulbs, jars, bottles, mirrors, window glass
  • Paint cans - with or without paint
  • Plastic bags
  • Shrink wrap
  • Plastic toys
  • Aerosol cans
  • Aluminum foil
  • Batteries
  • Hazardous waste
  • Food garbage
  • Pet waste
  1. To dispose of something unusual or very large, contact the CityView maintenance manager.
  2. These rules and regulations have been established to protect the health, safety, security, comfort, and financial interests of our owners and all other residents. Noncompliance can result in fines and/or additional consequences.